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Unasur analyzes standardizing professional degrees in member nations

Unasur analyzes standardizing professional degrees in member nations
21 de marzo de 2013 - 07:28

The Union of South American Nations (Unasur) includes Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guyana, Perú, Paraguay, Surinam and Ecuador. 

A preliminary meeting in Ecuador of the yet-to-be-struck education committee approved in Lima the promotion of projects to standardize professional titles in member nations: that is, to make degrees earned in one Unasur country transferable to any other.

The projects will be analyzed in May at a minister’s meetings. It would open the borders to secondary and postsecondary students as well as professionals wishing to migrate, freeing them from the onerous task of revalidating credits and degrees when they move.

The meeting in Lima concluded with the drafting of a statute for the main council of the Unasur to approve.

The Peruvian Minister of Education said that it is imperative to improve the quality of education in the region to serve growth and economic development.

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