
Ecuador, 21 de Diciembre de 2024
Ecuador Continental: 12:34
Ecuador Insular: 11:34
El Telégrafo

Ecuador’s smoking habit, by the stats

Ecuador’s smoking habit, by the stats
31 de mayo de 2013 - 13:27

May 31 is the World Health Organizations designated World No Tobacco Day. To celebrate the occasion,  Ecuadors stats agency INEC has chosen today to release the latest data  on the countrys tobacco habit.

Here are the main numbers their survey reveals:

$1.2 million Amount Ecuadorians spend each week on cigarettes

521,220 Number of Ecuadorian smokers

91.5% Percentage of smokers that are male

8.5 % Percentage of smokers that are female

17 Number of cigarettes the average smoker goes through in a week

8.6% Percentage of smokers that use filterless cigarettes

4,000 Number of chemical compounds in cigarette smoke: includes carbon dioxide, methane, propane, acetone, etc.

41 Average age of the Ecuadorian smoker

57 - 64 Average ages of patients currently being treated for tobacco-related cancers

4.6% Percentage of 12 year olds that had bought a cigarette in the last week

You can view the stats agencys infograph in Spanish here.

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