
Ecuador, 23 de Octubre de 2024
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Ecuadors government backs "buying local"

Ecuadors government backs "buying local"
20 de mayo de 2013 - 12:16

The government is promoting local buying as a way to reduce food prices for consumers, and get healthier food into homes.

The Ministry of Agriculture (Magap) has announced a new campaign to directly connect Ecuadorian consumers and producers and promote local buying, called “Yo Prefiero” (“I prefer”).

The goals of the campaign are varied, but fairly broad: support high quality agricultural products like organics, protect the environment, spread knowledge about conscious and local eating, and promote local cultures.

At the kick-off event, official highlighted a collective from Colta, in the Andes, that produces bean, barley and machica flour and sells them directly to consumers at market in Riobamba.

Lucy Montalvo, Riobambas Magap director, said getting consumers to buy local is a way to help Ecuador move forward.

“We want to motivate people to value their farmers, to cut down on the number of intermediaries needed to get food to the table. We hope the campaign helps the development of fair trade market niches, and gets consumers to value family agriculture.”

So far, the government has committed two 4x4 vehicles to the project. They will be used to transport advisors around the province to advise farmers and teach workshops.

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